Aug 10, 2023

Supporting Children Becoming Confident Speakers & Communicators

Confident speakers & communicators

In this blog, we will explore the importance of supporting children to become Confident Speakers and Communicators, and how it sets the stage for their success in various aspects of life.

Confident speakers & communicators

Our Brighter Learning Approach is our own unique pathway to Creating Brighter Futures Together. Within the approach, there are six enrichments, each helping to develop essential skills for lifelong learning.

Among the many skills we strive to foster in children, speech, language, and communication is a prime focus, linking to all areas of learning and development. The Early Years are a crucial period for language development, as it forms the foundation for future learning and social interactions.

Therefore, one of our enrichments within the Brighter Learning Approach is Confident Speakers & Communicators, which aims to boost confidence in children’s communication and language. This is supported with the 3 aspects – Terrific Talkers, Music Maestros and Budding Writers.

Explaining the Confident Speakers & Communicators enrichment

Through conversation, storytelling and role play, children share their ideas with support and modelling from skilled practitioners, whilst sensitive questioning encourages children to elaborate on, describe and develop their ideas. This focused support allows children to become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures.

Each of the 3 aspects linked to Confident Speakers & Communicators help support and develop children’s learning. These are broken down as shown below:

Terrific Talkers

Regularly engaging in meaningful conversations with children is a key aspect of nurturing their communication skills and fostering confidence in their ability to express themselves effectively.

Through these interactions, children develop verbal proficiency, broaden their vocabulary, and gain confidence in articulating their thoughts and feelings. Encouraging them to ask questions and share their ideas not only enhances critical thinking skills but also empowers them to become confident and capable communicators.

Click here to read more and discover activities related to Terrific Talkers.

Music Maestros

Introducing music to young children can influence their holistic development. It contributes to cognitive growth by enhancing memory and language skills, while also improving motor abilities and coordination. Music also provides an enjoyable avenue for self-expression and encourages children to explore their creativity freely.

Click here to read more and discover activities related to Music Maestros.

Budding Writers

Mastering the art of writing is a fundamental skill for children’s academic and personal growth. By providing plenty of opportunities for gross and r fine motor skills, children build up their muscle strengths, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity to be able to make marks and develop the skills needed to write. Embracing mark-making as a form of expression empowers children to communicate their thoughts and ideas creatively and emotionally.

Click here to read more and discover activities related to Budding Writers

What are some of the benefits of developing communicative skills in the Early Years?

  1. Building Strong Foundations for Learning:

Effective speech and communication skills lay the groundwork for successful learning in later years. Language is the primary tool for understanding and expressing ideas, and children who develop strong communication abilities early on are better equipped to grasp new concepts and engage with educational materials.

As Confident Communicators, children can express their thoughts, ask questions, and seek answers, fostering a positive attitude towards learning.

  1. Forming Meaningful Social Connections:

Confident speech and communication skills are crucial for forming meaningful relationships and friendships. When children can effectively express their thoughts and feelings, they are more likely to engage with their peers in play, conversation, and collaborative activities.

Building social connections at a young age promotes emotional well-being and a sense of belonging, contributing to a positive and supportive learning environment.

  1. Boosting Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Encouraging children to communicate with clarity and express themselves helps boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. As they receive positive responses and engage in meaningful interactions, they feel valued and respected, reinforcing their belief in their abilities. This self-confidence encourages them to participate actively in various experiences, setting the stage for future success.

  1. Strengthening Problem-Solving Skills:

Effective communication involves not only expressing ideas but also listening and understanding others. By actively participating in conversations and discussions, children learn valuable problem-solving skills. They develop the ability to analyse situations, consider different perspectives, and articulate their thoughts, fostering critical thinking abilities that will support them in later life.

  1. Encouraging Language Rich Environments:

Supporting young children in becoming confident in speech and communication goes beyond direct interactions. Creating language-rich environments that expose them to a diverse range of words, stories, and experiences further nurtures their language development.

Our Confident Speakers & Communicators enrichment helps to boost children’s understanding of communication and learning, essential for later in life and their educational journey.

Blog checked by:  Kat Learner (Training & Professional Development Manager)