Oct 16, 2024
To celebrate Space Week, the children engaged in ‘space-themed’ activities to explore the stars and discuss what else they think they might be able to find in space.
World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, dating back to 1999, taking place each year at the start of October from the 4th-10th. World Space Week is celebrated between the same dates each year to commemorate two important historic events: the launch of the first human made Earth satellite on the 4th October 1957, and signing of a space treaty which took place on the 10th October 1967.
The team set up a beautiful activity for the children to explore, with images, models and toys to showcase different stars, planets and rockets that might be found in space. As the children engaged in the activity they took it in turns to describe what they think they can see in space. There were a lot of creative answers – what incredible imaginations they have!
This helped the children to develop their communication and language skills as they confidently used different descriptive words to bring their imagination to life. We also introduced the children to some new space related words.