Oct 16, 2024

Spreading the Autumn Love

Wellingborough Kindness Pinecones

The Pre-School children have been out and about in the local community, spreading some Autumn love and kindness.

Wellingborough Kindness Pinecones

The children in Pre-school decided that they wanted to do something kind for those around them. They came up with the idea to spread some love and kindness in the local community. They carefully collected some pine cones from outside, and then used their creative skills to decorate them with an ‘Autumn-theme’.

Once the pine cones were decorated, they attached a kind message on a piece of paper. One read, ‘Enjoy a drop of Autumn kindness, Best wishes, Wellingborough Day Nursery’. With their baskets full of decorated pine cones with special messages attached, they set off into the local community.

When out and about, they attached the pine cones in various places so that they could hang for the local community to find them. If you see one of our carefully crafted kindness pine cones, please read the little message attached – we hope that it makes your day.

A little bit of kindness can go a long way!


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