Nov 24, 2021

Local MP & Mayor of Rugby Officially Open New Nursery in Houlton

Houlton exterior

The Old Station Nursery Houlton celebrated its official opening event on the 19th November 2021, after opening to children and families in September 2021.

Houlton exterior

The nursery, which was previously a Pre-School, caring for children who were 3-4 years old, was attached to St Gabriel’s School. It has now extended its provision into a brand new, modern building to provide childcare for babies, toddlers, and Pre-School children, aged 0-5 years old. With a new location on Dollman Farm, the setting has an easily accessible car park, is located near Houlton Play Park, and has easy access to the main Crick Road.

The nursery now offers full time and part time care from 7:30am-6:30pm, and is registered for 95 children, with an experienced, qualified and welcoming new team.

The event itself, which took place on the 19th November, was attended by local MP, Mark Pawsey, Mayor of Rugby, Deepah Roberts, Sarah Steel, Chairwoman of The Old Station Nursery Group, Alisha Bennet, Nursery Manager at The Old Station Nursery Houlton, and several other special guests who all played a large role in opening the nursery. The opening was officially declared by MP Mark Pawsey, and Mayor Deepah Roberts who both cut the ribbon, to mark this celebration.

Commenting on the new nursery and the official opening event, MP Mark Pawsey said: “I was delighted to officially open the new setting in Houlton.  One of the key aims of developing Rugby’s newest community was to ensure that services and infrastructure is provided alongside homes, and this nursery will ensure that the youngest residents of Houlton get the best start in life. I was really impressed by the quality of the new, purpose-built nursery building and the enthusiasm of the staff and I wish them the very best in the future.”

Mayor of Rugby, Deepah Roberts commented: “I was delighted to meet Alisha and the team at The Old Station Nursery, and was struck by the friendly, caring atmosphere which was reflected in the smiling faces of the children. Being able to rely on experienced, quality childcare gives parents such valuable peace of mind, so it’s a real asset to have a purpose-built nursery in the heart of Houlton to serve its growing community.”

Sarah Steel, Chairwoman of The Old Station Nursery Group also commented “We are so pleased to have opened our nursery at Dollman Farm and really look forward to getting to know the wider community even more. We are very pleased that Urban and Civic chose The Old Station Nursery to be part of the development at Houlton and we are delighted to be offering as many children as possible the very best start in life.”

Alisha Bennett, the Nursery Manager at The Old Station Nursery Houlton further expressed her thoughts: “I am so pleased to officially open the doors to our brand-new purpose-built nursery. It has been a long time coming; however, we are settling in nicely. I am very excited to be able to welcome you and your child/ren in as we all embark on the new journey as one big family: while creating memorable experiences on a day-to-day basis for all our children here at Houlton”.

The Old Station Nursery Group was founded in 2002 by Sarah Steel, and currently includes 41 exceptional nurseries across the UK.

[photo from left to right: MP Mark Pawsey, Mayor Deepah Roberts, Facilities Manager Natalie Devaux, Property Director Kirk Steel, Chairwoman Sarah Steel, Nursery Manager Alisha Bennet

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