Jul 09, 2024

High Wycombe receive ‘Good’ Ofsted grading

The Old Station Nursery High Wycombe Ofsted

The Old Station Nursery High Wycombe received a ‘Good’ Ofsted report following a recent visit. It found that “Staff monitor children's progress well and use their regular assessments to identify and address any gaps in children's learning. Staff spend time speaking with children each week to find out what activities have gone well and what they would like to do the following week.”

The Old Station Nursery High Wycombe Ofsted

The report awarded a ‘Good’ in all four categories, including quality of education, and described how the nursery “effectively seeks ways to enhance children’s enjoyment and learning. For example, organising for a visitor to deliver exciting sessions which focus on children’s language and literacy skills.” Parents also benefit from the nursery’s quality of education and “value the suggestions and home-learning packs provided by the setting.”

Located within Manor Farm Infant School grounds, the setting provides full and part-time care for children aged 0 – 5. Outdoor play is extremely important to the nursery’s ethos, and it has a new garden space. The Ofsted report comments on how “children explore their sensory garden, jump on stepping stones and identify the names of animals. Staff teach young children how to say ‘bird’, and they learn the Makaton signs for ‘bird’ and ‘help’. Staff sing songs with babies and toddlers while they enjoy the fresh air and get lots of exercise.”

Nursery Manager Jo Head is delighted with the report’s outcome: “I am so proud of our nursery’s progress. This is a testament to our wonderful team, who work tirelessly to create a happy and supportive environment for our children. We have excellent partnerships with families and communicate regularly through our app and face-to-face at handover times.”

Click here to read more information and to book a visit to the nursery.