Feb 07, 2016

Going Back to Education: A Blog by Sarah Steel

Sarah STEEL with three children

Our MD, Sarah Steel, writes about her experiences of returning to University as a mature student, and why she's enjoying it so much. 

Sarah STEEL with three children

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Returning to university as a mature student has been an enlightening and transformative experience for me. It’s a journey that has offered new perspectives, challenges, and a profound sense of personal and professional growth. As the Managing Director of The Old Station Nursery, I am often immersed in the dynamic field of early childhood education. Yet, I felt the need to delve deeper, to enhance my knowledge, and to gain a fresh outlook on the ever-evolving landscape of education.

One of the most striking aspects of returning to university at this stage of my life is the sheer passion I bring to my studies. While younger students may sometimes take their education for granted, I value every moment in the classroom. The commitment and determination that come with age have been invaluable in helping me excel academically. I’ve found that life experience has given me a unique perspective in discussions, enabling me to contribute more effectively to the academic community.

My return to university has allowed me to embrace new learning techniques, technology, and teaching methodologies. It’s refreshing to step out of my comfort zone, challenging myself to adapt to this changing educational landscape. The experience has provided me with a greater understanding of the diverse needs and expectations of today’s students, which is directly beneficial to the work we do at The Old Station Nursery.

Moreover, I’ve been privileged to interact with a wide range of students, including those who are just starting their educational journey. This interaction has been mutually inspiring. While I share my real-world experiences, they infuse me with fresh ideas and youthful enthusiasm, bridging the generation gap in education.

In the midst of busy workdays and family responsibilities, my return to university is a fulfilling adventure that nourishes my intellectual curiosity. The excitement of learning is a gift that keeps on giving, reminding me that it’s never too late to pursue a higher education and embrace personal and professional growth. The journey has been an exhilarating one, and I’m excited to see how these newfound perspectives will continue to enrich my work and our nursery’s commitment to excellence in early childhood education.